Sunday, September 22, 2024

Miracles do happen!!

Although I never thought I’d have the opportunity for a real “lakelife”, I’m here to say that miracles do happen!  Signed a year lease on a “tiny home” minutes from the lake and all the conveniences of life that drives me!  

Monday, October 23, 2017

This is it.

My thoughts exactly. :(

Monday, May 01, 2017

It's been a "too much partying" kind of weekend

The end of the school year is always busy.   As everything starts finishing up,  the phrase,  "it gets worse before it gets better" comes to mind.   Lol!
Now,  don't get me wrong; I'm thankful for the crazy life that I live,  but there are some days/ weekends that prove to be challenging.  
Welcome to this Monday morning!

Last week,  N finished up soccer, and H had several track meets.   Friday night,  we farmed H out to a friend's house so that M and I could go to N's state Bible Drill competition.   H was supposed to go to a school choir trip at Worlds of Fun on Saturday,  but it ended up getting canceled due to rain.  
Saturday was also prom night for Z, (along with working both Saturday and Sunday mornings.)   A late Saturday night arrival proved to make it a REALLY early morning for Z, but he was dressed and out the door in plenty of time to get to work.  
H's friend ended up spending the night with us on Saturday and somehow talked her dad into continuing the weekend slumber party marathon on Sunday, (Found out later that day that they never asked the other girl's parents.   Oops).
N got state superior at Bible Drill (meaning he didn't miss a single question.. whoop whoop!!); and yesterday was the celebration bowling party.

So,  now let's talk about Monday morning..
H is "sick" (and officially grounded...Lol!!)   Z is dragging,  but still getting his groove on.... and N....well, he's asleep at the breakfast table.  
Should be a great week!!!   Party on rock stars!!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Let 'em see ya sweat!!

Today is day 5. 

Last Wednesday,  I headed to the gym because, quite frankly,  I felt like absolute crap.   I've gained back most of the weight that I lost several years ago and I finally admitted (to myself), that it is affecting my well-being.  Ouch!
I had 1 simple goal..... walk 2 miles.   No time limit,  no heart rate goal, no calories burned goal... just walk 2 miles.   Almost 45 minutes later,  I had completed my goal.   Oh,  and I wasn't allowed to shame myself for my time either.  
Thursday,  I headed back to the gym to do the same exact thing... Only this time,  I ended up walking a little bit further and a little bit faster.   I was pretty proud of myself!
Friday,  my youngest son had a  competition out of town,  which put us in a hotel for the night.   Even though all I really wanted to do was chill in the hot tub,  I headed for the gym instead.   It's not very often that I ever use a different machine than my gym,  so I was shocked when I set the speed at 4.0 and could barely keep up.   I knocked it down to 3.5 and still found myself huffing and puffing.   Needless to say,  it ended up being a brutal workout,  but it was probably good to push myself a little.
I got those 2 miles completed last night,  and even though I REALLY didn't want to go tonight,  I went anyways.   Tonight,  I told myself... it's just an episode of Forensic Files.  (Yeah,  I've got a fascination for shows about real crime.  My husband thinks I'm sick.   Lol!)
At the end of my 2 miles,  I even did some crunches tonight.  

Tomorrow is a big day that includes some pretty cool tasks that I can't talk about yet.   In time,  though....

Kidney for Sale...(ok, not really)

In February,  I had a little medical emergency and ended up getting a ride to Centerpoint.  If Z hadn't been there,  I probably wouldn't have even called 911,  but freaking out my kid even more than he already was really wasn't a good idea. Lol!
This morning,  I noticed a bill from Centerpoint that must have came in the mail yesterday.   Almost $2900!!!   But the kicker is that there is no explanation of services.   It's literally just a bill saying I owe $2900!!  WTHeck!!  Guess I'll be calling tomorrow for an itemized bill and go over it with a fine-toothed comb.
This year,  we downgraded our health insurance.   It's usually just been a $100-$200 ER copay, however,  ever since the lovely (NOT) Obamacare was passed, we've just watched our premiums go up.   So, we decided to choose a different policy.  No ER or office copay option on this one.   Instead,  we pay a good portion of the fee until we meet a deductible.    And of course,  it seems like  we've already went to the doctor more in 4 months than we did ALL LAST YEAR.   Figures.   :(
So,  I've decided that I'm going to take this "Emergency Room" thing very serious.   Unless I'm near the brink of death,  I think I'll just stay at home.   Lol!!

I'm up watching Snapchat videos from a successful prom night.

Z is home from prom.  I'm proud to say that WHITE BOYS CAN DANCE!!  😁  He's shared some videos of him owning the dance floor.  😄 (And now he's getting some sleep so that he can make it to work tomorrow morning by 8am. :)   😊

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Love this❤❤

Z's attendance at school functions hasn't always been a priority.   Lol!  After a premature emotional response about his attendance at this year's homecoming,  I guess I've become a bit guarded about any event.  
I encouraged him to go to prom,  but he had planned to attend a concert in Columbia.  One day,  he came home and told me that he would be going with a sweet girl from his class (as friends).  OMG!  Sawheet!!  However,  then previous thoughts and emotions began to overwhelm me.   "What if she changes her mind?"   "What if she gets another date"?  I wasn't too worried about him because from past experience, he would just say,  "it's no big deal".  BUT IT IS A BIG DEAL TO ME!!      Sigh.   
The young lady in this picture is a gem!!  She is beautiful,  smart, honest,  and hooked my son up with a artsy place to go to rent a tux!!!  (Seriously,  I had offered to pay up to $200 for one,  and she recommended a place that he thought was cool!!!   Kudos and love to ES!!!
Tonight,  this picture was shared with me and I am posting it to my blog.    I'm beyond proud.  Today was a good day.  :^)

Day 4... "I don't wanna go!!"

So,  after a brutal 2 miles on a hotel treadmill,  I'm heading back to my gym.   However,  "I don't wanna go!!!"

Friday, February 28, 2014

ISO: Big Girl Panties

I need a new pair of "big girl panties".  The ones I've been wearing are worn out.  The bigger the better!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sick kids and a van dilemma

Well, I have 2 sick kids today.  Heading to the doctor with little man because he's been fighting a fever for a couple days.  In other news, I'm debating on what to offer the dealership for a van that we're looking at.... don't want to be insulting, but I want the best deal possible...  hmmmm...