Sunday, April 30, 2017

Kidney for Sale...(ok, not really)

In February,  I had a little medical emergency and ended up getting a ride to Centerpoint.  If Z hadn't been there,  I probably wouldn't have even called 911,  but freaking out my kid even more than he already was really wasn't a good idea. Lol!
This morning,  I noticed a bill from Centerpoint that must have came in the mail yesterday.   Almost $2900!!!   But the kicker is that there is no explanation of services.   It's literally just a bill saying I owe $2900!!  WTHeck!!  Guess I'll be calling tomorrow for an itemized bill and go over it with a fine-toothed comb.
This year,  we downgraded our health insurance.   It's usually just been a $100-$200 ER copay, however,  ever since the lovely (NOT) Obamacare was passed, we've just watched our premiums go up.   So, we decided to choose a different policy.  No ER or office copay option on this one.   Instead,  we pay a good portion of the fee until we meet a deductible.    And of course,  it seems like  we've already went to the doctor more in 4 months than we did ALL LAST YEAR.   Figures.   :(
So,  I've decided that I'm going to take this "Emergency Room" thing very serious.   Unless I'm near the brink of death,  I think I'll just stay at home.   Lol!!