Monday, May 01, 2017

It's been a "too much partying" kind of weekend

The end of the school year is always busy.   As everything starts finishing up,  the phrase,  "it gets worse before it gets better" comes to mind.   Lol!
Now,  don't get me wrong; I'm thankful for the crazy life that I live,  but there are some days/ weekends that prove to be challenging.  
Welcome to this Monday morning!

Last week,  N finished up soccer, and H had several track meets.   Friday night,  we farmed H out to a friend's house so that M and I could go to N's state Bible Drill competition.   H was supposed to go to a school choir trip at Worlds of Fun on Saturday,  but it ended up getting canceled due to rain.  
Saturday was also prom night for Z, (along with working both Saturday and Sunday mornings.)   A late Saturday night arrival proved to make it a REALLY early morning for Z, but he was dressed and out the door in plenty of time to get to work.  
H's friend ended up spending the night with us on Saturday and somehow talked her dad into continuing the weekend slumber party marathon on Sunday, (Found out later that day that they never asked the other girl's parents.   Oops).
N got state superior at Bible Drill (meaning he didn't miss a single question.. whoop whoop!!); and yesterday was the celebration bowling party.

So,  now let's talk about Monday morning..
H is "sick" (and officially grounded...Lol!!)   Z is dragging,  but still getting his groove on.... and N....well, he's asleep at the breakfast table.  
Should be a great week!!!   Party on rock stars!!