Thursday, October 02, 2008

life update

The house is close to completion and guess what... both our home and my mom's home are still on the market... surprise, surprise. This scenario has always been in the back of my mind, but it is now appearing to be more like reality. Zach and Nathan went ahead and started school in Odessa, so we have been staying with Mark's folks during the week and coming back to the 'burg on the weekends.

Last week was tough. We have been planning on doing the painting to try to save some money, but was a bit surprised to find out on Thursday morning that the trim would be coming on Monday and the entire house needed to be primed by then.. (oh, and the mudder/taper was still finishing up). I woke up early Friday morning to a completely numb right arm, (I had to actually pick it up with my left arm to move it). Once the blood started circulating, I started to feel extremely nauseus and felt and as though I was going to faint. (I was in the basement of my in-laws house by myself because Mark had went to Warrensburg the night before with Hannah and Nathan). I started to walk up the stairs and it got even worse. I started yelling for help. There's alot of details that I am choosing to leave out so that I don't totally embarrass myself, but long story short..... I ended up at the ER in Independence. All the tests came back fine. It appears as though I am in good health, but I left the ER with a prescription for Ativan and was told that I needed to find ways to "relieve stress". Ativan did the trick. I pretty much slept all weekend long. So much for painting :>(
Mark, his Mom and Dad, and friend from church were able to get the painting and clean up done.. (a big thanks to you!!!). The trim and cabinets came this week. We also got the garage doors and the stone. I am very pleased with everything and feel blessed to be able to build a house that will be a home for my family and my mother. But now the time has come to cut expenses. Our plan has always been for Mom to sale her house and put that down towards the loan. The sale of our home would pay off our vehicle and our final school loan. I still have hope that that will be the case, but I have started to prepare for a very tight budget. So don't be surprised if you come to our house warming party and we don't have very much furniture.. (or food.. or electricity... hehehe, just kidding.. well about the electricity anyways :>)

I still know that God is in control, but I have learned in the last year that sometimes we may not understand exactly why things happen the way they do. I wish that I was better at the "not worrying" part of it, but the truth is... I have a ways to go.

Zach has completely fit in at his new school. That was part of the reason for transitioning to Odessa before the house was ready. It's a whole lot easier to be the new kid on the first day of school versus the middle of the school year. Initially he was very anxious about going to a new school, but today he loves it!!

Nathan started the early education program in the public school system. It has also been really good for him. (and it's given Hannah and I the time to have some mother/daughter "bonding time")

Hannah is my little helper during the day. I was really worried that she would be jealous that Nathan got to go to school and she didn't, but she really hasn't said anything about it. She is such a sweet little girl.... well most of the time anyway :>)

I am taking it easy... ready to move.. and ready to sell my house!!

"Is it really October?", I ask myself.

"Yes, Yes, it is", I reply.

Yet another crazy year for the Christmas letter.