Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just life stuff

We are home in the 'burg tonight. Tomorrow is Mark's birthday. My mom will be watching the kids so Mark and I, (and hopefully some friends of ours) can do something special.

Nathan had his school pictures today. He was able to sit and (kind of) smile. I think it's funny that he can say, "Cheese" and still not end up with a big smile on his face :>) She tried about 10 times and by that point I told her that if he was looking at the camera it would be fine. Honestly, I was just happy that he sat still long enough to get a decent shot.

Today the people started preparing to spray the trim. Next Wednesday, we have a small painting crew that will start to paint Mom's side. If anyone has a passion for painting, please let me know :>) After painting, we have ending electrical work, ending plumbing work, door/cabinet hardware, and flooring. We have decided to go with vinyl and carpet. (Mom's side will have laminate in her living room/kitchen.)

I think I've almost had my fill of politics (and hundreds of Obama ads that fill up most of commercial time) for this election. I fear the outcome. I have been involved in politics long enough to not get really excited about promises made during election time. As of today, I feel I'm voting for the lesser of two evils... and that makes me sad :>( (oh, and just for the record... I'm voting for McCain/Palin). I hope (for the sake of our country) that I am wrong about Obama. However, I will support him if he is elected president. I hope Obama supporters will be able to do the same. Oh, and just in case McCain doesn't get elected.......... HUCKABEE IN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Saturday, Mark and I are planning to go to Factory Direct to shop for appliances. We're also going to a weiner roast this weekend. I am really glad the price of gas has went down. It makes trips back and forth much easier!

We are searching for local church when we move, but I am a little concerned about whether or not I will be fulfilled during the musical worship on Sunday morning. What if the pastor is great, the congregation seems really nice, they offer alot of great programs for everyone, they seem to care about others, and I genuinely feel unconditionally accepted...... but the minute the organ starts.... I feel depressed :>( I am really trying to keep an open mind. Is complaining about an organ really any different than an older person complaining about a guitar? I think the answer to that is... no. So, I am asking you your thoughts on the question. How important do you think the musical worship experience should be when choosing a church?