Friday, July 06, 2012

Is that freedom rock? Well, turn it up dude!!

After getting my first delivery of fresh raw A2 cow milk yesterday, Mark's mom made a statement about how all of us out here on the Begemann farm are becoming hippies.  I got a big kick out of that statement!
However, the more I thought about it, I do think that I have really tried to change my lifestyle to one of simplicity.  Eggs for breakfast, raw veggies (I have even learned to stomach raw green beans), and now... raw milk.  We do get 2 varieties of milk... the cow milk delivery is on Thursday and the goat milk pick-up is on Friday.  We watch our beef roam the pasture and eat grass  (with no added hormones or pesticides).. (thanks Grandad!) and we walk next door to get our eggs (thanks Nana!).  And.......MY GARDEN IS ACTUALLY GROWING THIS YEAR!!!  I have had peas, tomatoes, green beans, yellow squash, strawberries, spinach, lettuce, radishes, green peppers, broccoli, and the watermelons and pumpkins are coming along nicely.  Now, granted, I really didn't plant alot, but it grew and now I am definitely motivated to plant more next summer.
I jogged 2 1/2 miles straight today.  It wasn't very fast, but still an accomplishment.  I finished the rest of the 5K with a brisk walk.  The 1/2 marathon that I'm signed up for is in October.  It's really time to get serious!
Well, gotta get Hannah to the doctor.  We have been battling swimmer's ear, and I think it may have turned into an infection.