Monday, July 09, 2012

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Life update.

Yes, I miss facebook. (Even though, technically, I have been on facebook)   I set up an alternative account just to monitor my groups.  I haven't been able to check up on my friends.  Yes, I have cheated by using my multiple alter egos, but it's still not the same.  So, tonight, I am on facebook.. (and linking my blog :>)

I have been building my endurance by attempting to increase my distance and time (running).  For those of you that do not know, I have signed up to run the Kansas City 1/2 Marathon on October 20, 2012.  I completed it in 2010 with a time of 3:16:13, so this year, my main goal is to beat that time.  And considering I didn't truly train that year, I think I can beat it.  (Yes, I can still remember being reprimanded by Mark for the lack of training... and yes.. I was worried about whether I would cross the finish line on my feet or on a stretcher!!!  lol!

I currently have 7 small watermelons in my garden!  After 2 complete FAILURES in the gardening department, I wasn't even going to try this year.  However, Mark and Zach worked hours getting my "spot" ready, so with little hope, I planted some plants and seeds.  I have been so encouraged to see stuff grow!  So much so, that I already have a plan for next year.  I want to plant MANY peas!  I love raw peas!  I have even been eating the pod!  I love cherry tomatoes.  They have a permanent spot on my counter.  They are the perfect snack food.  When I get the urge to shove something in my mouth, cherry tomatoes are the perfect snack.  I have even learned to eat raw green beans.  However, the best way to eat them is in a stir fry.  I love cucumbers and onions.  And I also love green peppers.  What I will not be planting next year is pumpkin and squash.  (well, unless I get a great big spot ready!!)  Those plants take up way too much space!!  I am really looking forward to my watermelon, even though they take up space.  Our family can eat an entire watermelon in 1 day!  And yes, we will be carving a pumpkin either this month or next.

Vacation Bible School went really well.  I was blessed with a great group of volunteers that helped pull it all together.  We had an average of 130 kids attend.  The best part of the entire week was watching the kids excitement over  reciting Bible verses and their final musical performance  for the parent program.  I'm typically not one to be overly emotional, but I was truly moved during the last song.  Special thanks to Kim Moore and Michelle Cicle for leading such a great performance.

And then of course, there's my 20 year reunion.  Mark and I will also be attending his 20 year reunion as well.  I can't say that it is the only reason for my summer makeover, but it sure is a motivating factor.  Who doesn't want to look good  for a reunion... right?  LOL!  Honestly though, as much as looking good is fun, feeling good is fabulous!!  And yes, I feel good.  I have struggled with high blood pressure for the last couple years, and am looking forward to day when I can say good-bye to the meds.  I can already tell a difference. Our bodies are not made to lug around extra pounds.

When I deactivated my facebook acccount, I had some people say that they would miss my encouraging updates.  I will try to at least update my blog every couple days.  So keep checking back.  I will admit that when I know that I have to be accountable to someone, it motivates me to get to the gym.

Miss you guys!  See you on facebook sometime in August.

I ran a mile in 10:52!!!

Yeah, it's not much to a lot of people, but it is to me!!!!  (and did I mention it was 100 degrees outside!)  So, yeah... I FINISHED A MILE IN 10:52!!  (and I was huffing and puffing way too hard... next time will be better!)

Friday, July 06, 2012

Sushi anyone??

I just made my first batch of homeade sushi.  It was pretty good.

Is that freedom rock? Well, turn it up dude!!

After getting my first delivery of fresh raw A2 cow milk yesterday, Mark's mom made a statement about how all of us out here on the Begemann farm are becoming hippies.  I got a big kick out of that statement!
However, the more I thought about it, I do think that I have really tried to change my lifestyle to one of simplicity.  Eggs for breakfast, raw veggies (I have even learned to stomach raw green beans), and now... raw milk.  We do get 2 varieties of milk... the cow milk delivery is on Thursday and the goat milk pick-up is on Friday.  We watch our beef roam the pasture and eat grass  (with no added hormones or pesticides).. (thanks Grandad!) and we walk next door to get our eggs (thanks Nana!).  And.......MY GARDEN IS ACTUALLY GROWING THIS YEAR!!!  I have had peas, tomatoes, green beans, yellow squash, strawberries, spinach, lettuce, radishes, green peppers, broccoli, and the watermelons and pumpkins are coming along nicely.  Now, granted, I really didn't plant alot, but it grew and now I am definitely motivated to plant more next summer.
I jogged 2 1/2 miles straight today.  It wasn't very fast, but still an accomplishment.  I finished the rest of the 5K with a brisk walk.  The 1/2 marathon that I'm signed up for is in October.  It's really time to get serious!
Well, gotta get Hannah to the doctor.  We have been battling swimmer's ear, and I think it may have turned into an infection.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Because this is how we roll.

Today, we are going to see the new Spider-Man movie.  Nathan gets the award for best dressed!!  After the movie, we will try to hit a Hardees so he can the free grilled cheese bacon burger that they are offering today for anyone that comes in dressed as Spider-Man.

Monday, July 02, 2012

the one

today went ok.  I actually jogged 1.37 miles this morning before I went to the gym, so overall I'm pleased.  I'm having a protein shake right now, and will have a peach for dessert.  Gonna try to get another 20 minutes at the gym in tonight before I go to bed.  Looking forward to see what the scale says tomorrow!

The time has come!

Yes, the day I have been dreading for the last week is here.  It's time to step up my game.  Heading out for a run in this yucky and sticky weather.  Sigh.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Hello friends!!

Welcome to my blog   ;^}