Friday, September 12, 2008

A lesson on monarch butterflies

Nathan "not" wearing the hat
The kids being "butterflies"
the life cycle
Nathan "wearing" the hat
The small larvae
The chrysalis
The big larvae
Hannah and Nathan wearing their hats

The kids and I went to Powell Gardens for Little Sproats Story Time: Magical Monarchs. We learned the life cycle of a monarch butterfly. We would have been able to see an egg, but it hatched the day before. We saw a small larvae and a chrysalis. We were going to get to go outside and try to catch, tag, and release some butterflies, but (of course) it was raining. The kids made butterfly "hats". Hannah wore hers proudly, but I couldn't get Nathan to keep his on. That is... until we were in the van later that day. Hannah says, "Mommy, look.. Na Na has his hat on". When we got home, we were able to find a big larvae out on the farm. Anyone want to come and help us catch, tag, and release monarch butterflies on the farm?